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This is a parasitic disease caused by several parasites of the family strongyloides. Spread of infection contributes to poor hygiene, moisture, and the problem is growing puppies.Possible losses due to severe pathological changes in the intestines.

Parasites can be found in the small intestine in size from 1-2 cm. Infection occurs through food and water, skin, and during pregnancy. Developmental forms in the intestines produce large quantities of toxins. There is a weakness, and weight loss. Great importance attaches in prevention before zoohygiene condition checks.

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Rabies is a contagious, deadly disease from animal to

 animal or from the life of man is transmitted by bites of wild


Apart from Australia and England, and until recently,

Sweden, Ireland, Finland and some other countries rabies

occurs in all parts of the world, in all races mammals, and

even humans (zoonosis).
Cause of the disease is a virus, according to the way of the

spread of infection distinguish urban rabies through animal

domesticiranite primarily by dogs and cats and rabies-

through animals primarily through the handcuffs.
Rabies virus inserted into the tissue spread through nerve

fibers to the brain where it multiplies and leads to certain

demaged.From here virus spread after peripheral nerve again to where it spawns and spends secretions.Incubation varies widely from 2 weeks until 12 or 18 mounths.Diseases  takes place in stages that are characterized by certain changes.Fast changing behavior, refusing orders, rarely barks, and his voice is a little changed.Dog stop taking food soonand appears queer appetite so dog now eats wood, leaves, earth, and other.Because occurs desire oF roaming, fear of water and light, and established that the league of the patients can be infectious 2 to 15 days beforedetermine rabies.

General protection of human and domestic animals from rabies is based on the prevention of transmission of the causative rabies of wild animals dogs.Althought recommended measures for regular vaccination of dogs in the country.
According to the legislation every man bites dog must be under looking.Althought  such must not be killed, but must be observed two or three times during the 10 days.

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Trichuridosis is a parasitic disease of young puppies (3-6 months) and mostly in doghome.Have small chances for affects older dogs and among them disease is not significant in terms of patologic. Challenger is TRICHURIS VULPIS long 4-8 cm located in the small intestine. Infection occurs most commonly with food and water in which they are located development oblici.Further development takes place in the body in the intestines, where before damage to the mucous membrane, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss and more.

In adult dogs clinical practically not noticeable. The disease is diagnosed by COPROLOGICAL trials and finding Baby eggs or parasites. Utmost importance in the suppression has hygienic posture giving food.

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How to improve relations with your dog

How to improve relations with your dog
Although the dog is the oldest domestic animal, the relationship between dog and man is a  characteristic that a human has to respect their dog from the beginning. It is not just about the practical issues of common life with a dog, his diet, hygiene and dresure but his attitude and reaction. Development through which passed every race in the past reflected on each animal and it is good and necessary at least roughly familiar with it.
True Friends

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Country of origin : Afghanistan

Middle East, where this longhair hound live for several thousand years, nomandite used to hunt wolves, deer and gazelles. Thick, long hair and colorful Afghan, which further highlight the elegance and winged building his body, especially come to the fore in animals overseas and European breeders of this breed. His hunting ability today prove only through competitions, and their elegance and attractive appearance, which requires great care makes them sought after escort dogs.

Description: Head and skull: Long, not too narrow and proportional skull with long fibers on the head's vertex; its mouth is long, with strong jaws and easy-notable stop. it has well expressed black nose, which in dogs is lighter wir light-brown color. Eyes: Black, but also golden-yellowish, triangular, and from the inner side to outer they are facing upwards.
Ears: Rooted deep and conected to the head, covered with long , silk fibers. Teeth: They are well spaced in a very strong jaw in form of scissors, and its also tolerated jaw in form of plieres. Neck: Long, Strong and proudly-holded neck.
Front feet: Long and sloping shoulders, a strong and muscular legs with strong bones.Body: Right, proportionally long back with strong muscles, groin moderately inclined towards the tail; First thighs, wide and short, prominent ribs and chest deep enough.
Rear feet: Strong, lower thighs is correctly rounded, with long bones and low dense fibers., with rounded toes and with good pads. Hind paws are not so wide. Tail: Not too short, low-rooted and end bent. Fiber: The content side of his chest with a very nice front and hind legs warm touch. In adult dogs from the ridge to the so-called saddle extends nicely and densely fibers.From forehead say long hair, with impressive silky lock. Facial hairs are short, ears and feet have fur quality and middle footstep is naked. Color: all colors are allowed. Height: The ideal height at the withers for male is 68-70 cm, and in females 63-69 cm

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Countri of origin : United Kingdom

This kind, most of the classic terrier originated in the area River Air in Yorkshire.Its application in the hunt exceeds the typical specialties of a terrier.He not only is sharp to the pest, but do not delude its past in any racing dog - so searching for a game, choose commands, and especially water stressed at work, he became a specialist after being crossed with raceOtterhound. Before prices as the official dog. This is one of the first races that is geared to the needs of the militia, and later, during the First World War has been used for military purposes. Today it is dog escort that prices for his friendship, effervescent temperament, and this play. His fur must be maintained regularly.

Description: Head and Skull: The head is long and flat between the ears no great distance, and to his eyes narrow, his forehead is rechisti as long as the face, without wrinkles and barely noticeable slope; Upper and lower jaw deep, strong and muscular, and his nose is black. Eyes: Dark, small, neistknati terierski izrz brave and intelegetni. Ears: The form of the letter V, placed laterally, small, but proportionate to the size of the dog. Teeth: Strong, ust the kind of scissors, but you kind of pliers. Neck: weak, proportionally long, strong, no chin. Body: Short, strong and straight back, muscular thighs, well prominent ribs, chest deep, but not wide. Rear legs: thigh is long and strong hind feet are well bowed and turned towards him forward, ankles joints' parlelni. Front feet:Small, round and closed with strong pernichinj with arched toes. Tail: Set high, brings pleasure, not oriented toward the back, cut proportionally and its top is level with the skull. Fiber: Strong, dense and coarse, first and glued. And most coherent fur curls and shapes easily. Color: The body has a black or gray saddle, which starts from the upper part of the neck and extends to opachkata all other parts have a fiery color, ears normally colored with darker and darker colors may appear around the neck and sides of the head, chest allowed a few white hairs. Height: The height of the ridge thumbs male is 23-24 (58-61cm), and the thumbs female 22-23 (56-58cm)

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Тemperament in dogs

Тemperament in dogs

Under temperament  usually means a degree of sensitivity and irritability of the nervous system, and the way the body's reaction when external or internal irritation.Through temperament manifested nervous condition and neural functions in the IT dog.Temperament is influenced by the constitution of the nervous system and the functions of the endocrine glands. Inherited character but also depends on external factors, especially diet, care and how to use.

Fiery temper is a feature easily adjustable dogs react slightly stronger irritant.
Phlegmatic temperament is a trait of calm dogs who respond poorly or no irritant. These dogs are usually poorly motile and impassive.
Temperament primarily depends on the race, ie .. inherited features, then sex (effect of various hormones), age, nutrition, care and end of the manner of use. For those dogs that respond already lowest excitations are considered to have a nervous dog temperament.Such dogs easily excited, quickly tiring, and in addition to them difficult handled.Nervous temperament is characteristic of some refined breeds such as: Pointers, Setters and others.

There are a number of divisions according to temperament, according to the authors, but it is considered the most appropriate division of two types:
1.Live, which can be severe or

2. Phlegmatic temperament

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Best Friends

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. ♥

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Country of origin: UK

Most of the dogs in the British Isles at the beginning of the 19th century had a natural color (reddish brown, black and fiery, black or gray.) Hunters looking for major differences in color, a mixture of white or pure white. In the sixties of the 19th century in Wales i hunt foxes began to use white dog type later known as the Fox Terrier. He was the predecessor of today Selyham Terrier.
Selyham Terrier first appeared at an exhibition in 1890. Today is not a numerous race and serves as escort dog.

Description: Head and Skull: Slightly prominent and wide between the eyes, jaws' first long and strong, his nose is black. Eyes: Dark, well rooted and of average size, expressed and temnopigmentirnite lines the eyelids. Ears: The average size of the peaks slightly rounded hang glued cheeks. Teeth: Big and strong, right jaw kind of scissors. Neck: Moderately long, strong and muscular.Front feet: Short, strong and first joint viewed from the front of the shoulders at the same height with ramenecite lying to the body. Body: Average long and springy, with a straight back; ribs rounded, the chest is broad and deep, reaching deep between the forelegs. Rear feet: Strong thighs are broad and muscular, knees well bent, ankles strong and parallel. Paws: Round, solid cushion naoscheni forward. TAIL: Rooted in the amount of back and lifted up, moderate cut. Fiber: Long, hard, strong and water resistant, with densely potkrzno. Height: The height at the withers is above 31 cm, ideal body weight male is 9kg and female 8.2 kg

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Dog Story

Dog Story

Dog as a species is very unusual.It existed before man can not live on if you do not change his opinion.The oldest remains of a canine skeleton that clearly notes that it is a domestic animal found in Old Crouw River valley in the northern part of Alaska, and come from 27,000 years ago.Dogs followed the members of the genus Homo that underwent through today Buring moreuz, and creating a union man, voluntarily gave up its independence and in connection with the animal world already and can not return.Their world became a world of man. It can be concluded that the person acquiring the dog as his companion did the best deal with its history.
The dog, in it's own way offers a gift that can be return to the same extent: boundless connectivity, loyalty, love and friendship.

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Nervous System

                                         Nervous system 

The nervous system is a very complex system that registers events in the environment and in the organism. The whole system is composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, extension cord and nerves.
Part of the nervous system that receives events from the environment, respond to them and then sends impulses call cerebrospin nervous system. It is divided into the central nervous system (large and small brain, extended and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (vertebrate nerve or nerves). There are two types of nerves and sensitive that bring sensations to the brain and spinal cord and motor performing a reverse function, ie implement stimulus from the brain to the peripheral parts of the body.Part of the nervous system that regulates events in the organism, and without the influence of the will we call autonomous or vegetative nervous system.This system regulates the activities of the internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys and other.)

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Race as receiving names?

Race as receiving names?

Most known and recognized breeds in the world, we know for certain how they got their names. Who is best man, it's really hard to say, but most races got the names of the countries in which they were created: Irish Setter, Afghan hound, Polish pursuer German Dogana, American cocker Japanese pursuer, and others.

A number of breeds receiving names of certain provinces and barons: arieshki pursuer, Gordon Setter, arieshki bird dog, etc.. Sure growers and producers of these races in a certain way endeavored to point out the origin and authenticity are probably not thinking that one day you will come across throughout the world. Despite the numerous races carry the names and certain geographic areas: Šarplanina dog, Dalmatians, erdel terrier and other.Thanks to the activities of kenel clubs separate cities or names embedded in them the names of the races so we have: Rothweiler bedington terrier, Bern pursuer leonberger and others.

Individual enthusiasts for decades and decades worked in the creation of certain races and bringing with it more races to get a loved one type of dog. Many are today recognized the contribution and separate the races names received by generators: Doberman, dankerov pursuer, Russell terrier, Diamond terrier and other.

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Deutscher Boxer

Deutscher Boxer

Country of origin : Germany

In the 18th century in Europe appeared a kind of dog-terach, called Bullenbeisser.He served work bovine herds before makes market or slaughterhouse. In different areas later developed different types: Bouviers, Rottweiler, Bullmasff.In Germany, appearing in Bavaria and Baden Vintenberg.It works for descendants of Central and ancient dogs race Molosser, which is of Asian origin.Boxers are first presented in 1896, although it still was far from today's appearance.Were lower, rougher, tougher and mostly white.The first standard dog came out in 1902 by the German Boxer Club.Today is a favorite escort dog for his lively and cheerful character, it is an official dog.

Description: Head and Skull: The head is proportionate, mouth wide and strong, his head is closely Angled little round Stop 'is expressed; back of the nose and mouth forming a blunt angle; mandible is bent upwards, but not must be transferred over voice lip. 
Eyes: Dark, not too small, nor too deep planted or prominent; their expression shows intelligence and energyEars: High rooted average large, gentle, distant from one another, when dormant 'lie cheeks. Teeth: The lower jaw goes over the upper teeth strong and healthy. Front feet: shoulders must not be close to the chest, but not too far; legs are straight, parallel and strong bones. Body: In the shape of a square, ridge is expressed; back is short, strong, straight, wide and well-developed muscles, hips slightly tilted, broad and rounded; chest is deep, reaching to the wrist shoulders ribs go far back. Rear feet: Strong and muscular. Paws: The front feet are small, round, closed and hind legs are slightly longer. Tail: High-rooted, short cut. Fiber: Short, smooth, glossy and good sleeping body. 
Color: Yellow or gaudy; bright yellow to red as a cherry, with a black mask; white signs are allowed if they look aesthetic and if you do not occupy more than one third of the body.
Height: The height at the withers of the male is 57-63 cm and females 53-59 cm.

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