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Country of origin: UK

Most of the dogs in the British Isles at the beginning of the 19th century had a natural color (reddish brown, black and fiery, black or gray.) Hunters looking for major differences in color, a mixture of white or pure white. In the sixties of the 19th century in Wales i hunt foxes began to use white dog type later known as the Fox Terrier. He was the predecessor of today Selyham Terrier.
Selyham Terrier first appeared at an exhibition in 1890. Today is not a numerous race and serves as escort dog.

Description: Head and Skull: Slightly prominent and wide between the eyes, jaws' first long and strong, his nose is black. Eyes: Dark, well rooted and of average size, expressed and temnopigmentirnite lines the eyelids. Ears: The average size of the peaks slightly rounded hang glued cheeks. Teeth: Big and strong, right jaw kind of scissors. Neck: Moderately long, strong and muscular.Front feet: Short, strong and first joint viewed from the front of the shoulders at the same height with ramenecite lying to the body. Body: Average long and springy, with a straight back; ribs rounded, the chest is broad and deep, reaching deep between the forelegs. Rear feet: Strong thighs are broad and muscular, knees well bent, ankles strong and parallel. Paws: Round, solid cushion naoscheni forward. TAIL: Rooted in the amount of back and lifted up, moderate cut. Fiber: Long, hard, strong and water resistant, with densely potkrzno. Height: The height at the withers is above 31 cm, ideal body weight male is 9kg and female 8.2 kg

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