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Chen d' artois

Country of origin: France
In 17th century from England, to France and all over Europe then expands hunting Prarfoce as modern hunting method. This type of hunting was followed by many medium-sized dogs, who followed the riders on horseback, and as bait in front of them were slumped already hunted deer and foxes. Hunting Prarfoce was a social event and was associated with objective ritual hunting signals, formal suits with a complicated ceremonija.Sekoj nobleman was proud of the large number of dogs that hunt. Besides English hunting breeds beagl harris fohhounda appreciated and moving, strong and durable dog from the northern French region of Artois, which had an impact on the development of the island dogs. Their appearance does not hide their relation with Swiss runners

Head and Skull: The head is large and broad, but short, the skull is slightly curved and has a moderately remarkable rear. Eyes: Full, large and wide open, with melancholic and gentle expression with lowered eyelids. Ears: Strong, broad, quite flat, long enough to reach the eyes. Nose: Black, large, sometimes seems part of his mouth lifts slightly on top. Neck: Long, strong, with a small chin. Front legs: Straight, strong and firm muscles. Body: The chest is broad enough and proportionately deep, round breasts, back long enough and strong and with good muscles. Hind legs: thighs are broad, muscular and well developed upper is completely covered with hair, ankles, is slightly bowed. Front feet: Strong and well-rounded and open toes, elongated; pads are black and solid. Tail: Long, curved, sickle held. Fibber: Short, strong and relatively rigid. Color: Have 3 kinds of colors, fur as rabbit or badger can be in one color or with so-called coat; head must always be pale yellow, but sometimes it is the color of charcoal. Height: The height at the withers is 52-58 cm.

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