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Countri of origin : United Kingdom

This kind, most of the classic terrier originated in the area River Air in Yorkshire.Its application in the hunt exceeds the typical specialties of a terrier.He not only is sharp to the pest, but do not delude its past in any racing dog - so searching for a game, choose commands, and especially water stressed at work, he became a specialist after being crossed with raceOtterhound. Before prices as the official dog. This is one of the first races that is geared to the needs of the militia, and later, during the First World War has been used for military purposes. Today it is dog escort that prices for his friendship, effervescent temperament, and this play. His fur must be maintained regularly.

Description: Head and Skull: The head is long and flat between the ears no great distance, and to his eyes narrow, his forehead is rechisti as long as the face, without wrinkles and barely noticeable slope; Upper and lower jaw deep, strong and muscular, and his nose is black. Eyes: Dark, small, neistknati terierski izrz brave and intelegetni. Ears: The form of the letter V, placed laterally, small, but proportionate to the size of the dog. Teeth: Strong, ust the kind of scissors, but you kind of pliers. Neck: weak, proportionally long, strong, no chin. Body: Short, strong and straight back, muscular thighs, well prominent ribs, chest deep, but not wide. Rear legs: thigh is long and strong hind feet are well bowed and turned towards him forward, ankles joints' parlelni. Front feet:Small, round and closed with strong pernichinj with arched toes. Tail: Set high, brings pleasure, not oriented toward the back, cut proportionally and its top is level with the skull. Fiber: Strong, dense and coarse, first and glued. And most coherent fur curls and shapes easily. Color: The body has a black or gray saddle, which starts from the upper part of the neck and extends to opachkata all other parts have a fiery color, ears normally colored with darker and darker colors may appear around the neck and sides of the head, chest allowed a few white hairs. Height: The height of the ridge thumbs male is 23-24 (58-61cm), and the thumbs female 22-23 (56-58cm)

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Unknown said...

Do you just specialize in Dogs?

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